Corona Virus Pandemic

Corona Virus Pandemic We don’t get too many pandemics in a century. Apparently the powers that be decided to label this infection as such to strongly warn of the implication of world-wide spread. The corona virus is a respiratory infection. No intestinal symptoms. Cough and fever over 100 degree F are the main symptoms. Headache,…

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Pain is unavoidable, but suffering is optional

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Dr. Irene Conlan on February 20, 2014, for her self-empowerment radio show on Voice America. Many subjects addressed in Leap of Faith were discussed. The show flowed effortlessly due in large part to Irene’s excellent questions, and a lot of information was shared.  If you want to…

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Our healthcare system is broken

Ever since PPO and HMO managed care insurances began dictating what tests, medications, procedures, and surgeries they would pay for, and which doctors you could go to, your health care was no longer between you and your doctor.  A third party payer now began controlling things.  And their ONLY motive for their decision making is…

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I Can Do It conference

I just returned from a book signing at the Pasadena I Can Do It conference put on by Hay House. It was so exciting to hear such inspirational speakers as Dr. Wayne Dyer share their knowledge and spiritual message with all who attended. In these tumultuous times, aren’t we all looking for ways to make…

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Did I Cause Myself to Get Cancer?

After giving a talk about the issues discussed in Leap of Faith, I had a woman come up to me and ask, “Did I cause myself to get cancer? I had used the example of cancer to explain the concept that each of our lives are co-creations. Both our self(our mind and our body) and…

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We are here to learn about love

Up until recently, when someone died they were dead. In the past 60 -70 years, scientific technology has given medical doctors devices like heart defibrillators and respirators that have allowed us to bring people back from the jaws of death. Without spontaneous breathing or cardiac activity these individuals were declared dead. With CPR life was…

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